Wednesday 20 August 2014

Black Hole - Media Language

The opening titles of 'Black Hole' uses imagery to imply the forthcoming events and builds enigma.

The tracking camera movement allows us to see the setting of the film which appears to be an office. The props connote that the time that it is set in is quite modern:

  • The characters clothes are formal, i.e. white shirt, tie, and black trousers suggesting his job is high end. However his top button is not done up and his sleeves are rolled up, suggesting that he is tired and fed up of working. 
The office setting is shown to be lit with low key lighting. This creates a dull environment suggesting that the man is working late in the evening. I think that the lighting used also reflects the mans feelings of tiredness and not wanting to be there working.
The body language of the character also demonstrates his attitude; the medium close up shows his shoulders to be relaxed and slouched to which he then gives a big sigh (diegetic sound) reinforcing his exhaustion.

The next few shots after this are all joined by cut transitions; which helps to show how the character is on his own in the environment which constructs a curious atmosphere (and enigma) as the audience are caused to think why he is there alone and what is going to happen.

Cut transitions:
  • close ups to extreme long shots allow the viewer to see that he is alone
  • the close up of him repetitively pushing the photocopier buttons conveys his frustration
  • his restlessness is further shown through the close up of him kicking the photocopier

  • The character also seems to look confused by what is printed on the paper shown by the eyeline match and medium shots so that we can see his facial expression. 
  • A supernatural/eerie sound effect is used alongside a low angle shot to build suspense, that this 'black hole' is alive as such and the low angle could suggest that it is waiting for him - as some sort of victim. 

After finding out what the piece of paper does, an eyeline match is used to show that he is thinking of doing something else. He then proceeds to take food from the vending machine. 

Once he begins walking away, close ups are used to show his facial expressions:
  • the character looks very smug. 
  • the shallow depth of field leaves only the character in focus which could connote his feeling of power/achievement. 
Another eyeline match is then used to show him looking toward a door. The door is central to the frame with the window being blacked out by the low key lighting, which both suggest that whatever is behind this door is of importance and secretive. 
The slow zooming camera movement connotes that it's leading 
towards something..

The low key lighting within this shot creates a silhouette which appears dramatic as it is the unknown. Further, once he has entered the room, he switches the light which flickers before being fully on which creates shadows on the characters face that builds a more dark and abnormal atmosphere. 

  • Once the man has discovered the safe, he is constantly looking around which suggests he is wary of his actions and is trying to reassure himself as he knows he is doing wrong. However when he finds the money he can't help himself. The quick cuts that follow demonstrate the rush and build tension, but also show how excitable he is over what he's doing.
  • As he becomes more confident, the diegetic sound of the black hole becomes louder (a crescendo) suggesting that something dramatic is about to happen. 
  • A profile angle shows the mans body going into the safe which is followed by a close up of the tape wobbling which is foreboding and makes the viewer worry for what is about to happen.
  • The moment that his feet are taken into the safe, the sound effect is immediately cut which demonstrates that it's no longer 'working' and we know that he is stuck there. 

A foley may have been used to enhance the sound of the paper dropping to floor to emphasise the situation he has been caught in. The sound is important at the end of this film as it shows closure. The diegetic sound of him banging on the safe shows his struggle and what he has done wrong and the ambient noises of the photocopier still going shows the contrast between reality and the abnormal situation.
The final cut to black and the titles shows how it is all over for him.
