Wednesday 2 July 2014

About a Girl, analysis of age and class

Title text is imitating texting - suggesting its a modern film (technology and teenagers can be associated with this showing her age category)
After the titles, we see a shot of a girl dancing and singing to pop music which suggests this girl is young as this is the type of activity we would expect a young teenager to do. At this point, we see her through an extreme long shot and we are unable to see detail of her costume as the ambient lighting has created her to be slightly silhouetted. However the dialogue of the lyrics: "I'm not that innocent" is quite foreshadowing...
  • The setting (shown by several shot sizes) we see her walking through shows blocks of flats which demonstrates low working class. Outskirts of the urban city, places aren't so expensive.
  • The parallel editing used throughout shows various settings from her past which all help to suggest she comes from a low working class background.
In some of the scenes we hear diegetic sound  of dogs barking, kids screaming which could suggest a hectic area or low class. 

Dialogue of the main character - "bastard" its very colloquial, conveying her upbringing and a working class background. The girl also refers to her mum saying: "do I look like a fucking bank?" implying their family has low income and therefore working class. 
Costume - girl wears hoop earrings, stereotypically conveyed as being 'chavvy' which allows the viewer to associate her with a working class background and her hair is very casual.
  • The props of coke and crisps are very basic suggesting her dads working class as that's what he can afford. 
  • Facial expression when smelling the perfume; the main character screws her face up suggesting she isn't used to it, (the perfume being expensive and something older women wear) showing her immaturity and again her working class background. The ot
    her women within the two shot is shown higher in the composition and wears a black shirt showing her higher class and more authority. 
Another scene from the past is her traveling on the bus with her friends; public transport indicates the wealth of her family (working class).
The camera is kept at eye level throughout the present side of the film which allows the audience to feel sympathy with her as we feel as though she is talking to us direct, like a friend. 

The girls youth is shown by her talking of her future aspirations; to be "drinking Bacardi Breezers". This unrealistic lifestyle shows how she desires to grow up quickly. This highlights her low class background as there is a big contrast between the two situations/ideas. 
  • The cut to an aerial shot shows the girl to look very small in the composition and therefore appears vulnerable.
  • As it cuts to and from the aerial shot we are able to see her just walk away from it easily showing that she doesn't have a lot of responsibility and therefore implying she is young.

The shots from beneath the water suggest that she may not have been brought up well and in an area of low class, as she has already managed to have a baby at such a young age and simply thrown it into a canal. We hear only muffled diegetic sound of the movement of the water which allows the focus to be on the baby and adds emphasis to the situation. 

The sound bridge of the girl singing over the shot of the bag floating down the canal shows how she is young and irresponsible and she carries on with life despite the occurring event.



1 comment:

  1. careful regarding parallel editing as strictly, this only refers to events taking place simultaneously.

    Good Rosie - many good points. Remember that none of these points on their own suggest working class, but all taken together , they do. Also, I would suggest here you use the term Underclass, as her poverty is such that she suffers a lot of deprivation - no looney, parents split up, sexually exploited? Underclass is a term for those that are benefit dependent and there enough clues to suggest this.
