Thursday 30 January 2014

Thriller Opening - Seven - Harry's post

-The first few shots are of the Character played by Morgan Freeman (Somerset) getting ready for work; the low key lighting creates an eerie sense of unease & unknowing. With the lack of non-diagetic sound it allows you as the viewer to feel as if you are there yourself experiencing everything he is; the mundane routine, the early morning etc..

-The props used help create a picture of who Somerset is as a person. His badge, knife, pen and two other items are laid out perfectly (probably the night before) for him to pick up before he goes to work, we can connote from the badge that he is possibly a police officer. As well as this his costume allows us to identify he is very professional and neat; the way he puts on his tie making sure it is perfectly straight and the all round tidiness of his attire. 

-The next scene cuts to a very different scene, although Somerset is a police officer its very unexpected to be thrown straight into what looks like a very brutal murder scene. This could set the tone for the rest of the film as very edgy which is stereotypical to thriller films. The use of a slightly high angle shot here makes you look down on the victim creating a sense that he is below us or was not a nice person.



  1. Take scenes as a whole and consider how all 4 technical codes worjk together. Thus the key props you mention, knife, police badge keys etc, this works together with the fact that it is a close up and a high angle - makes it significant, we can see the order and we understand that it is his POV. Same goes with the getting dressed scene - its not just the props and the body language, but also the camerawork - mcu and the pace which is slow ish - all giving emphasis.++Always put a caption with your screen grabs to anchor it to the text.
