Wednesday 12 February 2014

Analysing Characterisation in 'The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo' Rosie's Post

The character that we see in the opening of the film is very mysterious. The first shot used is a medium shot following the person though a dark, rundown, urban area which keeps her identity hidden as we only ever see the back of her. 
Enigma has already been created due to the fact that the audience are unaware of where she is going and who this person is as her identity is very much hidden;

  • This persons clothing does not give much away as to who they are as the clothes are not stereo-typically feminine. 
  • The hood of her clothing further hides her identity contributing to the enigma and possibly also leads to the idea of crime or violence.
  • The general colour of her clothing appears very dark and plain, connoting a serious atmosphere and mood of the character. 
  • We are unable to see much of a figure due to her clothes being loosely fitted creating a type of silhouette, which again contributes to enigma, as to who is she?

Further in the sequence, the girl is shown to be in a very different situation. She now appears to be located in some sort of conference or meeting. Here her age is more apparent as the other people she is amongst look to be of an older age which connotes her youth. 
Still the viewers are unable to fully see the character. By the use of a shallow depth of field, only her character is fully focused, however only allowing us to see her nose and mouth from a side profile which further creates suspense and enigma. 

At this point in the story, we are still unaware as to whether the character is either the antagonist or the protagonist as nothing is yet given away which is a good aspect to this thriller as it makes it more mysterious. 

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