Sunday 2 February 2014

Dark knight rises film analysis - Stephens post

The film 'The dark knight rises' Starts with a medium shot which immediately focuses on one of the main characters. You can tell by the characters costume that he is a well presented, potentially very important man. The beginning clip is a very short speech which uses on-screen diegetic sound along with non-diegetic background music which comes in just before he finishes his short speech. The speech refers to an event which was in the film prior to this one to show that it still has significance. Also, a sound bridge is used at the very start of the clip when fading from an computer edited background animation into when the character starts to talk.
  • The background of the film setting is very formal. You can tell this by the stone pillars and the flags either side of the man.
  • The pictures of the man being spoken about are very large and therefore must be of great significance.
  • The clothing that he is wearing is extremely formal and he is well presented.
  • The use of a low angle is used to support the fact that he is a man of power.
A fade to black is used between these two clips to show a change in location.  As you can see here, a tracking shot has been used to follow the vehicle which is travelling though the field. The mysterious empty open field could be seen as a good setting to symbolise a thriller opening along with some non-diegetic background music which has been put into the clip. After this tracking shot a cut transition is used.
  • A cut can be used to add suspense
  • Using a cut transition is a good representation of a thriller film. These are also often used during action films to give that notion of a thriller.
Shortly after the tracking shot takes place, you see a group of hostages in the car. This causes a sudden enigma in the audiences mind.

  • Who are these people?
  • What have they done wrong?
As you can see here, more characters have been introduced. The man in the blue shirt being the leader, and his men behind him. A two shot has been used to capture the men engaging in conversation. The fact that the white men have guns is a symbol of power and is a really good way of representing this thriller theme. After this the hostages are taken onto the plane shown in the background. 

Once the plane is in flight, the subjects are threatened and being forced to give answers to the superior man in the blue shirt. The man uses a bluff of throwing the men off of the plane to make the others more likely to talk. This is almost certainly going to create an enigma in the characters mind of what has just happened and are they going to be next?

An extreme Long shot and birds-eye view of the plane is used so that you can see the height and intensity of the situation. This is a contributing factor to giving more suspense to the situation.

  • Throughout this whole section of film on the plane there is non-diegetic background music being  played in the background which continuously picks up tempo as the situation gets more serious.
  • When the gun is shot a folly is used to put emphasis on the sound.

This is a very important part of the film. The antagonist is suddenly revealed (Who is a very powerful man). As he has the bad taken off his face, it is done very slowly and cautiously to increase the suspense of the situation. A very intense non-diegetic sound appears as soon as the bag is taken off, as if to cause surprise to the audience and other characters on the plane.

  • After this, the main action takes place as the attempt to crash the plane begins. The powerful ' Bane' gets his men on the outside to help him crash the plane and leave no survivors as he puts his plan to dispose of the protagonists into action. 
  • A variety of different camera angles are used while the action is taking place, using cut transitions to emphasise the fact that it is an action thriller. 

1 comment:

  1. You must put a caption under images or I have no idea where it belongs in the anlysis.
    When you are analysing scenes think about how all the 4 technical codes work together - thus the scene where the mask is removed - a key moment but it isnt just sound that creates the tension - what about camera, editing and mise en scene. Constantly refer to al 4 codes.

    Good start Low 3
