Tuesday 1 April 2014

Opening titles - Red Lights, Rosie's Post

The beginning of the 'Red Lights' titles opens with a non diegetic sound of a high pitched screech (slightly orchestral). This sound is very alerting and dramatic which suits the genre. This is followed by continued orchestral music which includes high tones but also low to create a tense atmosphere, the music also has a quick and jumpy pace to it. 

The credit 'Cillian Murphy' appears to 'fly' onto the blank screen. The size of the text in comparison to the screen is very small which is quite intriguing. The letters are accompanied by what I think is lights which refers to the title but is also quite disorientating. The text gradually increases in size whilst continually flashing and which makes the opening more interesting and gives a sense of the genre.
After the name has appeared an image appears behind the text of somebody's arms and hands. This image is shown for a very short flash and is also presented as a silhouette. This adds enigma to the opening titles as the audience are unaware of whose hands these are. It is also quite foreboding as it could suggest somebody struggling. 
From this point onward, the soundtrack starts to crescendo which creates suspense as it feels like it is increasingly building up to something. 

When the title of the film name is denoted, other coloured lights/circles begin to appear. The colour red is very significant as it is the first glimpse of colour the viewer sees. I think these lights are a distortion of a vehicle, perhaps implying what is to follow in the film.
A further crescendo in the music follows which keeps the tension present. 

Later when more imagery begins to appear, the sound track is parallel as it gets louder or a loud note is sounded when the next image appears. The images appear or only a brief amount of time and flash very frantically which causes a jumpy feel. Also the images are not always fully shown and are cut off by shadows which could demonstrate secrecy. 

The colour still remains black and white which suggests a dark theme to the film, or perhaps it's set in the past which could be supported by some of the pictures being scratched or the writing and drawings in the book appearing to look old. 
Very quick jump cuts are used throughout the titles which increases the pace thereby adding to the suspense. 

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