Friday 4 April 2014

Question 7 of Evaluation - Harry's post

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learned in the progression from it to the full product?

Before we started our main task we had to complete a preliminary task which was a two minute clip which had specific criteria we had to follow which included certain camera shots and other factors.

This preliminary task helped us to practice the multiple techniques we would need to use in our actual piece, including filming, editing and the other basics. 

I'd say the main area that changed from our prelim to our final piece was location and costume. As in the prelim these two did not matter we used the college campus and whatever we were wearing on the day to film. However when it came to the final piece we did extensive research on where we could complete it looking at 3 to 4 places before finally deciding. As well as this costume was key as it is a very important aspect of mise en scene.

A key area that was vital we learnt in the prelim task was editing, it allowed us to get to grips with the software and make the basic mistakes on this product before we went on to our final piece, this allowed for easy editing and used up less time whilst in the editing suite.

Some areas of editing we used were:

sound enhancements

We used all of these on both the prelim and the final product however in the final piece the quality was of a much higher standard.

As well as this when it came to the final piece we knew that getting as much raw footage as possible would make it far easier in the future when it came to editing and filling in gaps with small clips, also filming the same clip multiple times to get the best quality out of it.

I think a key area of editing we took a step further in our final piece was match on action, take the two pictures below for example; this kind of editing allows the piece to have a very professional feel to it as it involves making sure the continuity throughout out is perfect.

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