Thursday 3 April 2014

The Props - James Post


The props included in the piece did change, due to the fact we decided against costumes and felt like an all black outfit would go down better as you can see from the screenshot on the left.




We wanted to keep the clothing of the actress as normal as possible because she is just a regular girl walking her dog through the woods and wanted to make it realistic, nothing provocative for example.


The dog turned out to do just as we wanted and behaved well in the shots we got of it for example when it was running over the log. It followed the same directions as the actress and did as we wanted.

For the box needed to keep the photos in we used Harry's old game case and roughed it up on the gravel, ripping it and throwing it to give it the battered look we wanted which came out really well in the piece. We also got mud from outside and filled it up to look even more used dirty.


The jerry can we used was from Rosie's shed and we emptied it and filled it with water



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