Thursday 3 April 2014

Question 1 - Evaluation - Harrys Post

"in what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?"

the first 30 seconds of the piece creates a sense of enigma, hooking the audience in by raising lots of questions and intrigue. 

take for example the bonfire: bonfires connote a sense of danger and mystery which creates questions; who started it? Why did they start it? What are they trying to destroy and/or hide?

David Bordwell defined narrative as 'a chain of events in cause-effect relationship occurring in time and space' as time is jumping back and forth in our piece it allows for unrestricted narrative as the audience knows more about the story than the protagonist. 

our antagonist is a white male (me) this kind of person is normally stereotyped as an antagonist in thrillers; for example 'Se7en' the antagonist is a white male played by Kevin Spacey this is due to the fact that race can be stereotyped as the superior race in the film world.

the protagonist in our thriller is a white female, this was chosen as we used the stereotype that white females are vulnerable and helpless. Take for example 'The Village' the protagonist in this is a white female who is blind. This scene pictured to the side shows perfectly what we tried to recreate trying to produce a sense of unknowing and helplessness (pictured below).

the use of binary oppositions in our thriller is an extreme stereotype in thrillers which i think has to be used otherwise the sense of unease or fear would not be there.

We did not use any form of artificial lighting in our piece as we wanted it to look as natural and realistic as possible as this would create a better sense of fear as you can relate to it more. However in the editing we changed the colour balance of the film as we discussed it was too light which did not create the atmosphere we wanted. 

The non-diagetic sound we used was from a loyalty free website which allowed us to use it all without having to worry about copyrights being breached. It is an eerie unnatural sound which keeps the tension flowing throughout the piece. The non diagetic sounds all have specific meanings for example when the protagonist is walking ahead and she turns around as she heard a twig snap, this implies that someone was walking behind her.  

We tried to use as many camera shots as possible to show our ability but also this allows the piece to flow more professionally i think as it does not seem to copy other shots and only use certain ones. We used multiple techniques from crabs to pans.

We used simple costumes to help prompt the reality of the piece that it could happen to anyone almost, all of the techniques used throughout help to create this sense.

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