Friday 4 April 2014

Question 5 of Evaluation - Harry's post

How did you attract/address your audience?

we decided to complete a survey to find out what our target audience liked and disliked about our thriller, these were the questions:
  1.  Do you think that this opening targets both genders in the age group of 15 - 30?
  2. From watching the opening of this thriller, would you continue to watch it?
  3. Which aspects of the opening do you like? and why?
  4. Do you feel like the opening needs any improvements?
  5. Which age certificate would you apply to this film?
  6. Do you feel that using a girl works best for the victim? And why?
  7. Were you able to empathise with any characters? How?
  8. Do you think that the soundtrack and music chosen suits the opening?
as you can see from the results people found it easy to empathise with the protagonist, we accomplished this by using different forms of camera shots and foleys, for example the long shots we used showed her vulnerability as there was no one else around. And the foleys were used also to create again a sense of vulnerability, take this for example, when the protagonist is walking away from the camera a twig snaps behind here (a foley) this makes her turn around and look worried.

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