Wednesday 2 April 2014

Question 2 of Evaluation - Harrys post.

How does your media product represent particular social groups? 

I would say in general our thriller opening conforms to the stereotypical social groups that are used in thrillers as much as was possible in our circumstances.

Take for example our antagonist (which is me.) I am a white teenage male.  I was used as it was the easiest option, we advertise the role around the internet and no one replied. But seeing as I am a white male it conforms with basic thriller stereotypes as this is the social group which is most commonly used as the antagonist. However as i am a teenager this goes against stereotypes as a teenager does not carry as much enigma compared to a fully grown man. 

The costume we used for the antagonist as well is a mixture of both conforming and questioning stereotypes. (see image to right of antagonist)

The use of plain black clothing creates a sense of mystery and almost intimidation as the colour is linked with darkness and death. However as we did not have the funds to purchase any form of clothing that would really allow the audience to recognise the antagonist as "bad" or "evil"  through the clothing we had to use what we already had and a plain black coat I think worked very well as it almost went against stereotypes allowing you to think anyone could be a murderer. 

The protagonist used in our thriller was a teenage white female. This works perfectly in accordance to stereotypes in thrillers as they are classed as the most vulnerable social group. 

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